
Select Your Kindle !

Kindle Paperwhite 4

Kindle Paperwhite 1 2 3

Kindle 9

Kindle Oasis 3

Kindle Voyage

Kindle 8

How to identify your Kindle model

If you have the Kindle device on hand at the time, you can open your Kindle, go to the home screen and click Home>>Settings>>Device Options>>Device Info. Then you will see the Kindle Serial Number.

Once you know your kindle Serial Number, you can check data in the table below to see what Kindle or kindle generation you have according to the prefix of Kindle Serial Number.

Kindle model Prefix Short Name Kindle Generation Year
Kindle paperwhite B024, B01B, B020, B01C, B01D, B01F PW 5th Generation 2012
Kindle paperwhite 2 B0D4, 90D4, B05A, 905A, B0D5, 90D5, B0D6, 90D6, B0D7, 90D7, B0D8, 90D8, B0F2, 90F2, B017, 9017, B060, 9060, B062, 9062, B05F, 905F, B061, 9061 PW2 6th Generation 2013
Kindle Basic (Kindle 7) B0C6, 90C6, B0DD, 90DD KT2, BASIC 7th Generation 2014
Kindle Voyage B013, 9013, B054, 9054, B053, 9053, B02A, B052, 9052 KV 7th Generation 2014
Kindle paperwhite 3 G090G2, G090G4, G090G5, G090G6, G090G7, G090KB, G090KC, G090KE, G090KF, G090LK, G090LL PW3 7th Generation 2015
Kindle Oasis G0B0GC ,G0B0GD, G0B0GR, G0B0GU, G0B0GT KOA 8th Generation 2016
Kindle Basic 2 (Kindle 8)

G000K9, G000KA

KT3 8th Generation 2016
Kindle Oasis 2 G000P8, G000S1, G000SA, G000S2 KOA2 9th Generation 2017
Kindle paperwhite 4 G000PP, G000T6, G000T1, G000T2, G00102, G000t3 PW4 10th Generation 2018
Kindle Basic 3 (Kindle 9) G0910L, G0910WH KT4 10th Generation 2019
Kindle Oasis 3 G0011L, G000WQ, G000WM, G000WL KOA3 10th Generation 2019